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State of physical, mental and social well-being, not just the absence of disease is the most importent job for WSAKO to take care of it , we have intialized a clinic for basic tretment.


Socializing Children into society by teaching cultural values, norms and to equip them with the skills needed in the society, and raise them with the good quality education.


help during emergency situations, health and food support, cloting, school materials and other requirments according to the necessity of the seasons and environment.

WSAKO Vision : Educated, Healthy and prosperous Afghanistan.

WSAKO use all legal resources to achieve the goals in current and future plans.

WSAKO Mission : The philosophy is children of today future of tomorrow

To Faster vulnerable people of afghanistan specially underprivileged women and children to have access to health and education.














Raise funds, volunteer
and campaign for change

WSAKO always campaigns for positive change in Afghan kids.
WSAKO provides Health, Education and Basic Support running every campaign.
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WSAKO's current and future focuses

WSAKO Main concentration for the next 7 years are :

Where WSAKO donation
money go

Reduce Poverty, Facilitate Educational Material, Gender Equality and Basic Health Facility.

Basic Support








WSAKO's Core Values

Commitment - Integrity - Accountability - Respect

WSAKO is committed to delivering quality services to its Afghan Kids

WSAKO is committed to delivering quality services to its Afghan Kids to continue improving their educational and medical needs, and to effective collaboration with our deferent Partners for positive and sustainable change and effectiveness.

Raise funds, volunteer and campaign for Afghanistan Kids.

To donate to our Organization feel free to click on the contact us button.
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We conduct ourselves at all times in a manner that is

We conduct ourselves at all times in a manner that is ethical, legal, and professional, with the highest degree of honesty, respect and fairness.

Raise funds, volunteer and campaign for Afghanistan Kids.

To donate to our Organization feel free to click on the contact us button.
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We promote openness and transparency in our operations,

We promote openness and transparency in our operations, ensuring that we are accountable for our actions at all times.

Raise funds, volunteer and campaign for Afghanistan Kids.

To donate to our Organization feel free to click on the contact us button.
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Regardless of gender, caste, religion, language,

Regardless of gender, caste, religion, language, or ethnic considerations, WSAKO treats all segments of society without prejudice.

Raise funds, volunteer and campaign for Afghanistan Kids.

To donate to our Organization feel free to click on the contact us button.
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WSAKO Contributors, sponsors and supporters.

Our Organization supporters who have helped us through financial gifts, expertise or by raising awareness.

World Support For Afghankids Organization

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    WSAKO Basic key program is to provide all the educational material, shelter for student and give them basic health care facility

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    We and our partners always try to find out most funds to provide them basic food needs so that they should send their kids to school than to becoming a child labor.

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    WSAKO Most of the time emphasis and have the high priority to impower children’s in rural areas of Afghanistan , we need public support to achive all these goals.