World Support for Afghan Kids Organization (WSAKO) is a registered non-profit and non governmental, non-religious organization active in Afghanistan.

Some Basic information about WSAKO

WSAKO is conceieved to provide Afghan Kids education, health facilities and basic support regardless of gender, ethnics and religious affiliation.

WSAKO Started their early activity by donation of this organization's own family support for limited years which attracted many other NGO's, individual willing to colaborate achieving this important goal which was the main concern rather to think about spending extra money to occupy buildings in a unreliable, insecure environment and spending extra money on govement registration and many other rules and regulations which costed observable amount of money, this way we managed to save available funds and accomplished our yearly targets which made other NGOs keen to cooperate and expand our services day by day.

 World Support for Afghan Kids Organization

Deliver reliable Health, Educational and Basic Support

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    State of physical, mental and social well-being, not just the absence of disease is the most importent job for WSAKO to take care of it , we have intialized a clinic for basic tretment.

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    Socializing Children into society by teaching cultural values, norms and to equip them with the skills needed in the society, and raise them with the good quality education.

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    help during emergency situations, health and food support, cloting, school materials and other requirments according to the necessity of the seasons and environment.

Intrested to donate Afghan Kids ? Let's get in touch!

Give us a call or drop by anytime, we endeavour to answer all enquiries within Working hours on business days.
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