Educational material for students
WSAKO Provide books, pens , notebooks backpacks etc.
Schools and shelters for study
WSAKO build their own schools and granted it to the government.
School Class
Basic Health Facilities
WSAKO has it is own clinic building which was built by WSAKO 26 years ago and now the clinic is giving their sevecies for public as well as Afghan Kids.
Clinic building
Basic food supply
WSAKO always keeps contact with other related NGOs who are willing to support food staff and related materials needed, WSAKO provides lists and performs all the distributions.
Winter clothes
WSAKO provides based on each year the basic clothes and the winter clothing which are warm clothes like coats, socks gloves etc.
Chairs etc
All the Projects related belonging Maintenance
WSAKO keeps all those buildings, facilities and storages as well as all the electrical plumbing and water storages that are related to WSAKO to keep running all the services smoothly and uninterruptible.
School Maintened
0 Graduates
0 Millions AFS invested
0 of projects Completed
Programing Principles and Approach
We consider all those basic and necessary needs that are essential, and the organization focuses on and does the accurate job to get the desired outcome which we already have experienced in these past 20 years that we saw the kids become doctor, engineers and pilots.